Let go & save yourself first

Let go & save yourself first

Jul 2, 2024

4 Min Read


The best way to optimise and care for yourself is to be selfish.

The word "Selfish" may inherently carry a negative connotation around it. Still, if we try to focus on the part where we prioritise ourselves and our happiness first, we might end up having better relationships with people close to us.

If someone's drowning, you are not obligated to drown with them. Save yourself first so that you can try to save them. We frequently make the mistake of missing out on the larger picture by losing control over our impulses in any situation.

While this behaviour makes us human, we are learning nothing significant from it. Every experience - good or bad will shape up the rest of your days.

It's a very noble gesture to care for others and dedicate your life to them but to do so, you should be well prepared and well aware of your own emotional needs and mental well-being.

This will only happen when you keep yourself first. Once you start exploring this way of living


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Varnit Yadav

Let’s have fun while getting stronger!

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Varnit Yadav Β©2024

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh


Varnit Yadav

Let’s have fun while getting stronger!

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Varnit Yadav Β©2024

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh

Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
